Friday, August 26, 2011

Tell me what that is.

Saul Steinberg Graph Paper Architecture

Saul Steinberg Untitled

Saul Steinberg Fingerprint Landscape

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Gimme all the Hass you got.

Everyone comes here from a long way off
(is a line from a poem I read last night).

--September Notebook: Stories

Ah, love, this is fear. This is fear and syllables
and the beginnings of beauty. We have walked the city,


The woman I love is greedy,
but she refuses greed.
She walks so straightly.
When I ask her what she wants,
she says, "A yellow bicycle."

--The Yellow Bicycle

Afternoon cooking in the fall sun--
who is more naked
                                    than the man
yelling, "Hey, I'm home!"
                  to an empty house?


eggplant parsley rye ROBERT pepper onion dill HASS

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

job, v.1

† to job faces: to kiss. Obs. rare.
1599  T. Heywood 1st Pt. King Edward IV sig. E3,  
What the dickens is it loue that makes ye prate to me so 
fondly, by my fathers soule I would I had iobd faces with you.
a1795 Robin Hood & Maid Marian xiv. in  F. J. Child  
Eng. & Sc. Pop. Ballads (1888) III. v. cl. 219/2 With kind embraces, and jobbing of faces.
a.  To pierce or poke (a person or thing) with a brief, forceful action, 
usually with the end or point of something; to stab, peck, prod, or jab

Monday, August 8, 2011

Heaven preserve us

“Heaven preserve us from all the sleek and dowdy virtues, such as 
punctuality, conscientiousness, fidelity and smugness!”
Violet Keppel